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MO in 2023
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MO schedule external schedule
official website of Slovak Committee of Mathematical Olympiad
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older years
year before
65th year
66th year
67th year
68th year
69th year
70th year
71st year
72nd year
73rd year
74th year

MO schedule, 74th year (season 2024/2025)


category \ round homework school district regional national
A 3. 12. 10. 12. 14. 1. 16.19. 3.
B, C 21. 1. 28. 1. 1. 4.
Z9 15. 11. [?three problems]
13. 12. [?another three problems, preliminary deadline]
29. 1. 25. 3.
Z8, Z7, Z6 17. 1. [?three problems]
4. 3. [?another three problems]
2. 4.
Z5 15. 11. [?three problems]
13. 12. [?another three problems, preliminary deadline]
29. 1.

other activities:

activitydateplacemore info
qualification 7. 11. 16:00 – 19:00 remote event lecture, number theory
qualification 12. 11. remote event contest problem solving, number theory
qualification 28. 11. 17:00 – 18:30 remote event lecture, geometry (basic level)
qualification 29. 11. 17:00 – 18:30 remote event lecture, geometry (advanced level)
qualification 3. 12. remote event contest problem solving, geometry
qualification 17. 1. 16:00 – 19:00 remote event lecture, combinatorics
qualification 22. 1. remote event contest problem solving, combinatorics
selection tests 24.25. 2. remote event for EGMO
qualification 28. 2. 16:00 – 19:00 remote event lecture, algebra
qualification 4. 3. 08:30 – 13:00 remote event contest problem solving, algebra
EGMO 11.17. 4. Kosovo, Prishtina
selection tests 23.30. 4. Bratislava
[?draft date] CPSJ 18.21. 5. Poland, Szczyrk
training 3.8. 6. Czech Rep., Karlov pod Pradědem
CAPS 16.19. 6. Austria, Klosterneuburg
IMO 10.20. 7. Australia, Sunshine Coast